It took me a while to figure out how to get an API off the ground because I couldn’t find any ready examples of non-text types and had to search quite a bit. In summary here are the stuff that worked:
- When the error says
A web handler threw an exception. Details: UnexpectedNull {...}
The keyword there was null so use Maybe types rather than Just types (matching types can be found here) - To render date types, define it as
Maybe Day
) then when serializing it to a Value type in toJSON… use a form like this to get a type allowed, see instances listed here:T.pack "last_used" .= show last_used
- See this list of types for FromField to know what postgresql-simple can handle
-- Example of Types.hs import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Calendar data Clothing = Clothing { brand :: T.Text , size :: Maybe Int , last_worn :: Maybe Day } instance FromRow Clothing where fromRow = Clothing field field field instance ToJSON Clothing where toJSON (Clothing brand size last_worn) = object [ "brand" .= brand , "size" .= size , T.pack "last_worn" .= show last_worn ]